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03/25/2025 MSN 03/25/2025 MSN
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March 25, 2025

Items for Sale


(RETIRING) JD 9860 STS, 630, 893, 8420, GPHTT00 Terramax 840 acres. 608-778-6600.
BLACK ANGUS bulls, 100% genetic tested and registered. Kuhle Angus, Hazel Green 563-542-0803.
HAY FOR sale - Big Squares 4' x 4' x 8' Alfalfa/Grass 2nd crop stored inside good quality. Northwest Illinois. 815-238-3044.
HAY FOR sale: Inline wrapped 3rd & 4th crop. (608)214-5840.
JD 7000 Conservation Planter 6R30 with liquid fertilizer, row cleaners, furrow cruisers, and monitor $9,500. NEW HOLLAND 900 chopper with 990 hay head, short pull, metal alert works, $3,200. 608-723-4152.
JOHN DEERE 640 rake $500. Small I.H.C. haybine, steel rollers $1600. WD-45 Allis, power steering, weights, nice rubber, clean, $2250. Monroe (815)297-3921.
MIDWEST SELECT Draft and Driving Horse Sale. April 2, 3 & 4. Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI. Wednesday, April 2nd check in day. 5PM Compliementary meal, sponsored by Elite Nutrition, 6:30PM Stallion Presentation & Service Fee Sale (Approx. 40 head). Thursday, April 3, 7AM Driving of Driving Horses, 9AM Driving Horse Sale, 12-1:30PM Leading Draft Horses, 2PM Hitching of Draft Horses, 5PM Draft Horse Preview.. Friday, April 4 9am Draft Horse Sale. More info call (608)897-8014. or
ORGANIC HAY for sale. Round bales average weight 850# Tube wrapped. First Crop: RFV 83.57, RFQ 100.33, Crude Protein 14.44, Milk per Ton 2,470. $30.00 per Bale. Second Crop RFV 112.18, RFQ 139.55, Crude Protein 17.88, Milk per Ton 2,975. $45.00 per Bale. Third Crop: RFV 154.95, RFQ 191.07, Crude Protein 21.01, Milk per Ton 3,262. $60.00 per Bale. 608-943-8541.
WANTED: HORSES, ponies. For sale galvanized gates, panels. 608-341-8144.

General Merchandise

CRAFTSMAN 2.5 HP table saw with stand; 7x9 garage door with opener, good shape; 4ft wrought iron bench. (608)214-9553.
RICK MILES COINS, BUY AND SELL: U.S. Coins, 40% and 90% silver, gold coins, old currency, coin collections. Also do appraisals. 608-988-6406 or 608-723-4917.

Pets & Animals


BIRD AND Small Animal Swap, Jackson County Fairground, Maquoketa, Iowa, April 5th, 2025, 7-11 am, Admission $5 ages 12 and up. Vendors welcome. More info Laurie 563-212-9435 or Allyse 563-212-7686.
For Sale Mini Cavapoo pups very cute good deposition all females shots Vet Checked $800 call 715-758-2433
GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies out of Jerland female. Born 2-23-25. $400 each. Abner Allgyer, 15503 CTY Rd. D, Darlington, WI 53530.
GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, $200. Stop by on Saturday or after 4:30 pm. 30352 College Farm Road, Platteville.


Business Services

FRITZ BARN PAINTING rusty Roofs, Metal Buildings Free Est. 608-221-3510 or 414-369-7263

Lawn & Tree Service

FOR QUALITY and affordable lawn care call Matt at (608)558-9362.


Help Wanted

NEED HELP from Monroe area to assist my full-time help for myself. I am 60 year old male living alone in own home. I am paralyzed at waist level and have one below the knee amputation. Bedfast for most part, I get up with a hoyer lift occasionally for a doctor's appointment. I need assistance for my full-time person so she can have every other weekend and an occasional weekday off. This position has worked into the full-time position in the past. Experience with in-dwelling catheter and ostomy a bonus but will train the right candidate. Hourly wages are set and paid by Inclusa, Inc. Up to 6.5 hours per work day approved by Inclusa. Call or email to set up an interview. (217)820-1565

Real Estate

Mobile Homes For Sale

MOBILE HOMES For Sale: Evergreen Village, 30972 Cty Rd. XX, Platteville, WI 53818. Office Lot 217. 16x80 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $69,500. 16x80 2 bedrooms, 2 baths $69,500. If interested, call manager Mary Lou 608-642-3901. Park offers financing.
MOBILE HOMES For Sale: Evergreen Village, 30972 Cty Rd. XX, Platteville, WI 53818. Office Lot 217. 16x80 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $69,500. 16x80 2 bedrooms, 2 baths $69,500. If interested, call manager Mary Lou 608-642-3901. Park offers financing.

Land/Lots For Sale

CRANDON WI. 106 Acre Gravel Pit for sale 3.5mil. Can divide Pit Stumpage Available Volume Discounts ALL EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Call 715-493-6121

For Rent

4-PLEX, NICE, quiet, 2-Bedroom Upper, garage, Appliances, Laundry area, No Pets, Smoke Free. $740/month. (608) 325-5533.
LOWER 2-BEDROOM apartment for rent in Albany. $800/month, plus utilities. Washer and dryer provided. Off street parking. Close to school and the Sugar River Trail. Security deposit required. No dogs. Call (608)444-5379.
MOBILE HOMES For Rent: Evergreen Village, 30972 Cty Rd. XX, Platteville, WI 53818. Office Lot 217. 2 16x80 Mobile Homes for rent. Recently remodeled $1,450 plus utilities. If interested, call manager Mary Lou 608-642-3901.
MOBILE HOMES For Rent: Evergreen Village, 30972 Cty Rd. XX, Platteville, WI 53818. Office Lot 217. 2 16x80 Mobile Homes for rent. Recently remodeled $1,450 plus utilities.  If interested, call manager Mary Lou 608-642-3901.



FOR SALE: Grey 2005 Dodge Ram 2500 reg. cab, 2WD pickup truck with topper, 117,269 miles, automatic transmission, 5.7L V8 SMPI Hemi engine, longbox, hitch receiver, good engine, good overall condition, 4 new tires and brakes at 110K miles. Asking $5,000 cash. If interested call (608)325-9565 and I can send you pictures of the truck.